Sunday, January 25, 2009

Weekend Fun!!

We spent the weekend
with our friends Matt & Erin.
They just finished building
a cabin in Prescott. We had a
great time with the girls, they
enjoyed being outside. There was
a little snow left, so it was fun to
ride around in the 6 by 6
and explore the mountains.
The view from the cabin
(in Matt's hat)
Jens & Kinzi
Madi & Sophia playing
on the couch
McKinzi watching out the window
Matt & Kinzi all bundled up
Madison playing with
the dogs
Sophia, climbing in the snow
Madison, in my hat.
She looks cuter in it
than I do


Jeff, Erin, Macy, Owen& June said...

Looks like it is beautiful there! How fun. Thanks for updating your pics. It's been awhile:) Your girls are darling as ever. And I loved Jens in the King's chair...perfect!

Jeff and Diana said...

seriously how cute are your girls! they are always so decked out! i wish i could have gone to dinner with all of you! next time!
two one year olds is crazy. mine are exactly two years apart and i go crazy alot of days!
hey if you can will you let erin know i would love to get an invite to her blog. i use to look at it and didnt know she was going private until i tried one day and couldnt get in.
anyway it was fun to get caught up on your life!

Jeff, Erin, Macy, Owen& June said...

Hummm, update please!