Wednesday, January 5, 2011

McKinzi turns 3...

We can't believe our "Kinzi Bear"
has turned three years old. She is such
a sassy girl with a personality
all to her own. She loves being
with her sister and is a great big
sister to Maks. She is a daddy's girl, but
loves one on one time with her mom. She
loves to have no clothes on and her
choice of underwear is Thomas the train.
I still laugh when I see her in her "boy"
underwear, but that is what she picked
out when she was being potty
trained. I didn't care as long
as she was going on the potty.
She is messy, but has coordination.
She wears skirts cause that's
what her sister likes, but is
more comfortable in pants. She
doesn't like "dress up" clothes cause
they are itchy. She can
be grumpy if she gets woke up wrong
side of the bed. Loves to sing songs when
she is happy. McKinzi has a smile that is
infectious and melts your heart.
We love you and Happy 3rd bday!

best hair ever!
Kinzi wearing the bday crown at school


Dave and Lindsay said...

Hey that's too bad you couldn't get in!! Next time your in town contact me and I'll see what I can do about getting you an appointment. It's a funny story but I now work there part time!!! :)