Thursday, January 6, 2011

We went to the North Pole...

The Lovell family went to
the North Pole. We went to Greer, its
about a 4 hour drive from where we live.
We had dinner and then we loaded
onto a trolley and traveled to
the North Pole. The Elves let us
into Santa's workshop. The kids
got to see where they live,
make toys and see
where Rudolph the reindeer
We sang Christmas songs
had hot coco and sugar cookies.
It was so fun to see the magic light
up in all the kids eyes.
It was a wonderful opportunity
and we were so lucky to
do such a fun thing as
a family! Morgan was here
for 2 1/2 weeks for
his winter break. We had
a fabulous visit with him.
After we left Santa's
workshop we went and stayed
in a cabin. We got in our pj's
and watch "How the Grinch
stole Christmas". It's a memory
that I will always remember(long
drive and all). It was really cold
and had a little bit of snow. It made it
feel more like Christmas.
Here are some of the

Out front of our cabin

riding the trolley

Inside the Santa's workshop

helping the elves make toys
Santa's desk
writing their wish list
Maks sitting in Santa's seat
picture with Santa
Inside our cabin

Breakfast with Santa, the
next morning